Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wednesday October 1

So the day after an all day-er cranking away at the computer was sort of fuzzy. Our lives at work right now are sort of like a roller, work, work like crazy people, then speed to the bottome....slowly, crazily climb to the top, speed like crazy to the bottom. It's a bit insane but "it is what it is" (inside chuckle.) Today I was back at the office, cleaning up, going through mail, remembering to do timesheets, etc. It started off with BRUTAL traffic...I mean crawling on 1-90. I hour and 15 minutes....arggh! The good news is that I came in (late) to staff meeting where they awarded me the ISD Employee of the Month (one of two) and a dedicated parking spot. Woo hoo!! Though I mentioned to the group that parking is plentiful at 6:30 a.m. Crawled through the day but working on an outline for the L1 staff tomorrow. Home about 8...working on creating a layout for the new Design for Life online class which opened today. I am working hard at creating a life which blends fun and creativity with work and responsibilities...oh yea and excercise. I went to the gym tonight (YEA) and then came home, worked on my layout and ended up working on the outline and slides for Tom. Finished around 11 p.m. ...need to be in early again!! No rest for the wicked!

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