A perfect day for me would be never changing out of my jammies, having chinese delivered and working with paper and glue and scissors...all day. I am smiling again just thinking of it. So...that is what my weekend has panned out to be. Daniel was supposed to come in and I enjoy it when Daniel comes in and we go to the movies or cook dinner or watch basketball on TV..(btw...a shoutout for my TN MENS basketball who whooped up on the Florida Gators last night....rock on!). So, anyway Daniel had to go back to the dentist and he was on pain meds and did not come. I did have to change out of my jammies and go to the postoffice and Target and the bank...but that was it. After those brief errands I scurried home and Rita and I even took a WALK..a real walk outside not one of those hurry up and pee fast fast tracks around the house. The rest of the day it was paint, paper, glue, scissors, flowers, glitter..oh my! SO HAPPY! I'll put up a slideshow later..it was pure joy and some of my best stuff, I might add. A great weekend to help me get my mind cleared and ready to work on MYP next week. Woo hoo! (Ps....this is a tough one but ....Go Steelers. Honestly I would be happy for either team but Brian's family rooted the Steeler joy in me so I have to route for them first. But hey...it's football which also makes me happy.
And, BTW....I WILL be better at blogging. Time to break out the creativity some more!
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