She was this tiny thing with a full head of black hair, a row of which stood straight up in the middle like a mohawk. She looked just like her daddy did when he was born..
The first time I held her she stiffened her little body up and kicked her legs and threw her head back and tried to get away....
She has been trying to get away ever since.
She is funny, bright, crazy, absolutely beautiful, the ultimate drama queen. Everything is a crisis. She stands up for the ones in the back of the room. She has terrible romantic luck. She eats like a crazy woman and then goes for a run. She loves macaroni and cheese and jello cake.
Last Wednesday Jessica Allyse Kraft turned 18 and legally an adult. Her first adult action was to get her bellybutton pierced. At least that is the only thing she told us about.
Happy Birthday, Bess. We love you!
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