Had a fun experience this morning. Last night we had a big storm...one of those storms that comes through and kind of cleans everything up. This morning, I rode in on 1-90 in traffic a little heavier than usual. Making me realize that the summer is slipping away. (For whatever reason, probably kids out of school, vacations, etc) traffic is significantly lighter on my commute during the summer...)ANYWAY.....
So, I was driving in this morning. The sun was trying to shine. I had my coffee and my new Sugarland CD. I'm tooling down the middle lane..and this shiny black mustang convertible drives by with some cool countryish music rocking out...
I turn my head ever so slightly and make eye contact with a dark skinned hottie boy toy...ooh mama! Unfortunately this incident occurred right around Barrington so our little slow down and speed up and look over and check each other out game only lasted for about another 7 or 8 minutes. Mr Hottie COnvertible got off on I-355 heading off to work and probably a hottie girlfriend (or wife and hottie kids for my luck.) Plus he may have been 30 and I know that whole cougarish thing is very cool right now but well, honestly, he was only a dream boy toy...but darn cute and a fab way to start my morning. When he veered off to I-355 he looked over one more time and I coyly waved as I drove on to work, laughing away. Hey...maybe I still do have it (or maybe it was just the SugarLand music and my dirty SUV...
So, here's to the boy in the convertible...thanks for making my day!
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