Friday, August 8, 2008

Five on the Fifth

I think I am actually hitting new lows with this adventure...I almost ..okay actually did ..totally forget about August 5th. This month has been such a blur..I was sitting at my desk at work and suddenly I looked at the calendar and it hit me!! No five on the fifth!! I hate missing those things. Fortunately I took good notes all week so here are my 5 on the 5th (working on the photos..)

5- Dinner at Pappadeux -- I have the greatest friends...two of whom spontaneously invited me to dinner and drinks at Pappadeux. No camera but amazing crab legs, shrimp, pasta and creme' brulee..and fab conversation. Tired, full and happy!
4- Insane Crazy Work -- the dinner and whatever forms of stress relief are needed because work is truly stretching me mentally ...but is also exhausting me. We're working 11-12 hour days plus I have about a hour to an hour and a half total commute. Loving it...and tired.
3 - Day After the Storms -- so to add to our excitement we have had a week of storms here. One during the night and one in the morning. Black skies, lightening, wind, power out, etc. Rita hides in the closet and occasionally comes out...
2- A mess -- all of the insanity means clothes still in the rocker, dishes in the sink, a coffee table full of papers and mail. No idea where things are..very unsettled. Definitely needing a weekend at home with no agenda (not likely to happen for awhile..)
1 -Sleep - or lack thereof. The good news is when I fall into bed I do sleep and sleep like a baby. The bad news is that it is not often. Nice cool evenings, windows open, nice soft if only it could be more than a few hours :-)

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