I love this quiz that they run every month on Studio Calico...I thought I'd give it a shot...
When I was a child... I loved reading so much my family would lose me for hours....reading and playing with my dolls.
I can't imagine my life without... my camera and my doggie
I would love to win a shopping spree to... this is a tough one...Target or a photography store
If I could be anywhere, I'd be… waking up on the shores of Lake Travis....
My least favorite chore is... cleaning...I like a clean organized place and hate doing it!
If a mystery package arrived on my doorstep, I'd hope it would be... an F2.8 zoom lens
My guilty pleasure is... ice cream..vanilla bean or moose tracks
If a genie granted me three wishes, I’d wish for... Daniel and Christina with me always, health and the ability to use my creative skills as my source of income...
You would never guess it, but I... am the oldest and the only daughter of a family of five (okay maybe you would guess that if you knew me, the nurturer:)
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