I mentioned it on Facebook but forgot to write here about what would have been the 74th birthday of my mother, Debbie Lou Dolley Kraft. Really unbelieveable that she has been physically gone for more of my life than she was in it. But she is there everyday...I talk to her and think about her.
My mom was the cool mom on the block. She made coffee or hot cocoa for the bus driver. She came to drive us home but let us ride the bus so we could stop for ice cream. She decorated the house for every holiday. She treated birthdays like the big deal they are. And she loved each one of us crazy five kids in our own unique and special way. And she loved her dogs.
As I have gotten older, I have come to appreciate the qualities I have of each of my parents. I have creativity from my mom but also my dad; my mom taught me paper crafts and fun and cooking and dad taught me photography and gardening.
My dad taught me perseverance and insane ongoing curiosity..while my mother taught me to never stop believing, especially in myself.
I am who I am because of their love and differences and similarities and I am grateful. So Happy Fathers Day, Dad and Happy Birthday, Mom! I hope I am making you both proud!
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