Rita and I are walkers. I just have to stand up and say "walk?" and she is at the front door drooling..literally. (Sometimes she interprets that same question as ride because her second most favorite thing is to ride in the car...).
During one of our very early morning walks this past week (AKA average time in to work has been 7 a.m. ) we found our first red leaf..just kind of sitting there glowing at us.) We also love leaves....okay I love leaves. I collect all kinds of leaves every fall (well just the most beautiful ones) and then bring them in and dry them out..and do nothing with them. I have all of these ideas in my head and I do nothing but love them which I guess is just fine. So I posted my first red leaf on my bulletin board at work and just look at it everyday. And that is enough:-)
Fall is fast approaching. I saw my first red leaves this week, too. I picked it up and kept it, too. There seems to be a lot of that going on!
fall.. what is that? in Florida a cool breeze and 80 degrees temperatutes, 70 in the morning, 60 if lucky...tropical paradise is summer and spring year around.
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