At my very core, I believe myself to be a communicator. I communicate naturally -- in fact I am driven to communicate -- through writing, photography, crafts, designing, cooking. I love the beauty of colors, and design and everyday items through the lens of a camera or the jot of a pen (or, okay, the stroke of a key on a keyboard.) For some reason, the last part of this year, I just shut down. I had grand plans and I accomplished a few things. I made a few of my cookie baskets, somewhat halfheartedly. I made a few photo frames for my brothers and my dad and one for a good friend. I have even slogged my way through decorating a few places in the house, cooking a full Kraft christmas dinner, signing a few cards, and finally finishing Amy's present (smile...she won't get it for a few weeks so it is still a surprise.)
However, the frustrations of everyday life caught up with me. A change of the guard at work. Uncertainty at who I work for and what I do and whether I will still have a job in 2009. Where I want to live..both here and whether I want to make the move back to Texas....or for that matter, anywhere else. My camera -- one of my prized and most helpful possessions not working...just at that time of the year when I treasure it the most. A printer not working. Photoshop templates giving me a hard time. Things just somehow not coming through. Lots of cold and snow. Plans falling apart. Just not being able to get ahead of things.
Then....magically...I had this one day with friends..a couple of hours, really....in a warm restaurant, with TONS of snow falling around us....having a little drinkie poo (and some chocolate and of course wings, and burgers, and fries...) and my friends gave me this magical device...Now see, I have an MP3 player. In fact I just upgraded to a $50 Sansa Suze player (4 G?) where I was really feeling styling. I am not a MAC head, though I should be. First, the color made me laugh and smile. Then, when I finally capitulated and charged it and loaded music onto it, the sound made me sing. And even though the snow has melted and it is cold and icky and my creative mojo is not so good and my house is beyond horrible....I started to smile a little and sing and maybe have some hope. (And I think I discovered the camera issue is just the lens which is SOOO Much easier to fix....hey, I too can buy a new lens....wink, wink!).
No idea what 2009 brings for us. It's a tough time in the world. I have this huge house full of stuff which I need to organize so I can enjoy it. (Okay Wendy Smedley..I signed up for your class so you better come through!). But for now, me and the doggie and my new green ipod are hanging out up here in my office...singing Pat Green....smiling....
I guess just frustration and getting down at this time of